Hello! Hows your new year going? Have you set your goals yet? Have you broken those goals into smaller steps? Hopefully you read that with the most overly enthusiastic voice you cold imagine and hopefully you are making goals this year. Some people think setting goals for the new year is ridiculous. I disagree. How can we hope to improve if we don’t set goals and plans to accomplish them? The new year is an extra good time to start. I’d love to know what your goals are. Did you set self improvement goals like health or mood adjustment? Did you set some bucket list goals like hiking that peak you see on your way to work each day? Being the imperfect being that I am, I have set five self improvement goals.
Every goal needs an action plan and some accountability. I thought I would tell you about my goals and then report back at the first of the month on how I’m doing. I’m also keeping Hubby updated so he can encourage and remind me. To help me achieve my goals I have broken them into monthly action plans. After all, a goal without a plan is just a dream. Bellow are this months.
January Goal Action plan
Be Cheerful: I’m starting of by being grateful for what and who I have in my life. This means taking time to thank the people who are around me and focus on the good in them (even when they’re throwing tantrums). To help me with this I will be writing in my Kiddos Journals each week about all the great things they are doing.
Get Healthy: I don’t mean be skinny, I mean be healthy. This is a life style turn around for me and I am taking it slow to allow the monthly changes to sink in. The plan hope with that is to avoid burn out. January is going to be about forming healthy sleeping habits for myself and drinking enough water. Gone are the days of going to bed after midnight. Hello lights out at 10pm. Lights out includes the phone. As for water consumption I have a health app I am trying out. Amongst other things it tracks water consumption. If I like the app I’ll let you know about it later.
Be Organized: This is a life style thing for me too. I have been way to relaxed when it comes to organization and part of the problem is poor time management and just forgetting things. To start this year off right I have purchased an agenda. Not just any agenda but the queen of all agendas, the mom agenda. I love this thing. It keeps me AND the family organized. The one I have is paper but I know that they have an ipad app too. Because mine is a hard copy paper version I’ve also gotten a few things like pens and, calendar stickers, and decorative tape to help color coordinate things. My decorative tape categories help signal what aspect of my life I’m attending to (ie. foster care, out of home, church, church calling, hubby related, and mom activity). Each of category gets there own tape. The focus of this month will be writing everything in it and checking it regularly through out the day.
Budget Better: I have made a budget and have created a place in my agenda to write down all expenditures. The real task is going to be taking the time to keep track of everything. Yes, there are apps for this, but I think it will help me be more aware of what I’m spending if I write it down. I’m using the pens I bought for my agenda to color code my budget. If you are looking for some budget tips Dave Ramsey has good ones.
Make more time for God: This one is most important and it is important for many reason. First of all He loves me and wants me to spend more time with him. Secondly if I am really going to accomplish anything that matters I am going to need his help. So I’m setting time aside to spend it with him. This month the focus is on scripture study and prayer.
So what are your goals? Do you have any tips to help me with mine?
Happy New Year!
Gum Tree
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